Help Wanted,
9 years!
Today is my fake Usborne anniversary. I joined on Leap Day, so February 28 will have to count.
Thank you to those that have cheered me on, purchased books, held parties with me, or sent a customer my way. I appreciate you so much!
When I originally signed up with the business, I wanted to build my family library and only work long enough to pay back my starter kit. I didn't want Usborne to "affect my family budget." It's funny now because it has affected it in a really positive way. I love the big family library I have, the friends that I've made, the "non-readers" that I've been able to help find their perfect book, and the extra income that can pay the mortgage if needed or pay for fun extras.
If you've ever thought about doing something like this, I'd love to help! Whether you're a homeschooler just wanting more books for your family, someone needing to pay BIG bills, or someone that wants to help get books to your favorite charity, I would love to talk!
Thanks again for being on this journey with me!